Drawing pains in the lower back: causes and treatment

Such a Symptom, such as pain in the lumbar region, familiar to almost every person. The most frequently faced with it, the female part of the population. In some cases, pulling in the lower back pain is dangerous, since the connection of the uncomfortable Position of the body during long sitting or sleeping. But if these symptoms interfere more and more often, you should consult your doctor and find the cause for this Symptom. For this goal, a thorough investigation requires. Often, such signs, such as the pulling pain in the lower back, abdomen or in the iliac areas, one speaks of a chronic inflammatory process. Also, complaints may be associated with pathologies of the spine. In the case of lower back pain, you should not self-medicate, because the reasons can be many. First you need to find out why it happened, and then eliminate the cause.

Back pain

Where are drawing pains in the lower back?

Complaints of pain in the lumbar spine, you hear quite often. In most cases, you are worried about the women, but often there is also in men. Often drawing pains appear in the loins, after the man ends up too long in a sitting Position. Patients complain that they are not at the same time the back. In General, such symptoms of the spine, particularly degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine are typical for diseases. To observe rare a pathology, such as ankylosing Spondylitis. Other name – ankylosing spondylitis.

In some cases, dragging pain in the lower back associated with inflammatory processes in the kidney. Most Pyelonephritis widespread of them–. This disease usually begins at a young age, often among the female population. A further anomaly of the kidney has a autoimmune character and difficult to treat Glomerulonephritis. With him may also experience pain in the lumbar area. In some cases, unpleasant sensations arise when the pathologies of the internal organs.

Drawing pains in the lower back and abdomen in women

Gynecological diseases is another reason for pain in the lower back. In this case, the inflammation is comprised of the organs of the small pelvis. In General, the fallopian tubes and the eggs sticks. But in spite of the inflammation of the appendages, the pain appears not only in the abdomen, but also in the lumbar area. Gynecological diseases very much. The cause of both bacterial and viral infections of the reproductive organs. In General, gynecological pathology can be transmitted through sexual contact, but it is not always so. In some cases, the cause for infections of the urinary tract can be ways: the non-observance of personal Hygiene, the sitting on cold surfaces, insufficiency of the immune system. Drawing pains in the lower back in the case of gynaecological disorders with both, as well as from both sides. In their intensity, they are not very strong, have the tendency to suddenly and fall silent. In the case of the involvement in the inflammatory process of the urinary bladder dizuriceskie disorders appear. In addition to the loin paraesthesia always cover the lower part of the abdomen. Include such disorders: pain during urination, cramps, small portions of the emitted fluid.

Differential diagnosis in case of complaints in the lumbar region

The causes dragging pain in the lower back, they must pass a test. Usually unpleasant feelings connect with the pathology of the kidneys, or the spine. An important role in continuity, extent, localization and character of pain play. If you cover one side of the loin, the cause may be Pyelonephritis, inflammation of the appendages in women, more likely to remain in the same uncomfortable pose. If the pain diseases the entire surface of the lower back of the spine suspect, Glomerulonephritis, cystitis, etc., Also complaints in connection with Menstruation or pregnancy.

Back pain: laboratory and instrumental diagnostics

The exact cause of the onset of back pain can learn only after the examination. Most commonly, a doctor, district conclusions about the nature of the disease and after the laboratory and Instrumental appoints-examination. If on Palpation the kidney is undetectable your pain, then you should the General analysis of urine. The presence of leukocytes or protein is an indication for the performance of the ultrasound examination of the kidneys. In the case of suspected genital infections patient to the gynecologist to refer. Often back pain is due to osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis. In both cases, you need an x-ray examination of the spine. For more detailed information content computed tomography of the lumbar spine. Only after performing all the diagnostic procedures you can find out the cause of the pain.

the treatment of the back

How to fix pain in the lumbar area

If the pulling pain in the lower back, you should consult a doctor. Only after clarification of the cause of the disease, the treatment appoint. In the case of the pathology of the kidney drug therapy. Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents. In auto-immune of infection with glucocorticoids and cytotoxic drugs. For the treatment of gynecological diseases combined preparations are applied. In diseases of the spine a comprehensive treatment requires. These include Massage, manual massage and reflexology, anti-inflammatory drugs. To eliminate severe discomfort in the lumbar region, recommended drugs with analgesic effect. Also prescribe physical therapy.

Prevention of back pain

To pain order to avoid the occurrence of lumbar, you must renovate for the treatment of chronic diseases of the urinary organs, foci of infection (tonsillitis, Sinusitis, dental caries). It is the intake of vitamins and immune-modulatory drugs is also important. The observance of personal Hygiene, protected sexual contact for the prevention of infectious diseases gynecological pathologies. In the case of spinal injuries, osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis a heavy physical work. During exacerbation of these diseases, you should consult a doctor.